Lots of China hawks say the deal could be rendered nearly meaningless without the need of potent enforcement actions. This kind of lengthy timetable would enable it to be more difficult to punish Chinese violations by imposing new tariffs or raising present ones, reported two of the officials. 在瀏覽器中儲存顯示名稱、電子郵件地址及個人網站網址,以供下次發佈留言時使用。 https://liantong.com.tw/%e6%a1%83%e5%9c%92%e6%b1%bd%e8%bb%8a%e8%b2%b8%e6%ac%be%e8%bc%95%e9%ac%86%e6%90%9e%e5%ae%9a%ef%bc%9a%e8%81%af%e9%80%9a%e8%b2%b8%e8%a7%a3%e7%ad%94%e5%b8%b8%e8%a6%8b%e5%95%8f%e9%a1%8c/